Thursday, September 14, 2006

Back in Ampara

After nearly two weeks away came back to Ampara on the twelfth thanks to a lift from Chris. As usual took about nine and a half hours. We met up with Marie in Kandy, at the Regency Hotel a 5* place on the outskirts of the town as she is leaving Sri Lanka for the Sudan. Managed to get lunch paid for although it wasn't too expensive, VSO cheapskate again!
House was ok, bit more dusty and needed to do a food shop. Went out to La Dolce Vita, the Tuesday Italian night which was fine but had a depleted guest list thanks to the work permit issue. Seems more people are returning this week though.
I have bought another camera, thanks to Emma who got the price down expertly, and will be putting it to use tonight as the perahera visits Ampara.
I am having problems with the lap top and did unscrew the back but then chickened out of taking the back off, it seems to have a loose connection. All that happened taking it to repair shops in Colombo was buying a new charger and battery, both I fear unnecessary!