Saturday, July 10, 2010

Sailing Again

Treburden harbour sill as tide comes in

Sailing again

Alderney, the Zig Zag path
Alderney, Bray harbour
The Needles Isle of Wight

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Cat Sitting in Wales again

Ciaran who I met in Sri Lanka and I at Rhosilli beach, a long walk so you need a pint or two afterwards.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Returned Volunteer

I have just been back through the blog whilst the weather is cold. I get enquiries through VSO about my experience from new volunteers. I have added a few bits about the VSO process and done a bit of housekeeping.
I have put retrospective comment or info in italics I hope that helps, I will continue to add as I think of things.
I hope any new volunteers find the information useful. A big part of the experience is finding out for yourself and everyone is different.
I cannot really go into detail about my placement other than to give general information and to say I had a great time and that I am currently on the VSO books looking to go again for a short term placement.
I am still in touch with lots of the people I met both from VSO and other voluntary organisations.