Monday, November 21, 2005

VSO Training

I attended a Skills for Working in Development (SKWID) course from 21st to 25th November 2005, this helps you develop good skills in facilitating participation especially with disadvantaged people.

The topics are:

VSO’s approach to development

Effective communication and building relationships

Different roles a volunteer can play as a facilitator for change

Participation and project planning

Introduction to participatory methods and tools

Practising facilitation

Monitoring and evaluation

Networking, Negotiations, Conflict and Corruption

Attached to the SKWID course is a Health and Security course lasting about 4 hours which is mandatory. I found both courses good and useful, you collect lots of information which you can use in placement.

A lot of information can be accessed on the VSO web site so you can download pdf files rather than carry lots of paper with you when you go overseas.