The UN was celebrating its 61st birthday and an event at a local school had been organized. I turned up about midday, watched some speeches and dancing, and then on my way to the lunch tent was approached by Saroja and friend. It turns out the friend had organized a peace game but it had been decided the game wouldn’t work. So could I think of something? Bear in mind the place is heaving, 400 kids and parent, teachers, INGO’s etc. no pressure.
I had my lunch trying desperately to think of something appropriate. All the activities I could think of needed equipment of some sort. I thought of one with 2 hoops but there weren’t any and the school was in a remote location so couldn’t get a couple of bicycle tyres. Anyway I then tried ringing FCE to get the truck to bring my walking planks out, no luck the truck was being used, and then Bob from IOM offered me a driver so I headed back to Ampara.
We got to our office and I went to get the kit, it had been hidden behind several bicycles and under lots of newspapers and other assorted junk. I got the planks out and loaded them on the vehicle, and then I noticed 2 of the blue ropes were missing! Typical somebody had taken them off to use for something else, we managed to find them and headed off. The ropes go through holes in the planks and were hell to fit in the first place, very tight. I managed to fit one rope while the driver went to get some more food in Ampara. Then I fitted the other rope back at the school with seconds to spare.
The parents were watching me while the children played musical chairs, so they came over and started playing with the planks, in the end we couldn’t get the parents off so had to let them have a go first to show the kids what to do. I tried to get some photos but the crowd just surrounded the activity so not much chance.
The activity went down well though as they put different ethnicity's on each team, peace building!