My Blog, started to record my adventures as I headed off to live and work in Sri Lanka for a couple of years in March 2006. The blog is now a general record of what I am doing, I have also added the VSO process detail from April 2005 for new Volunteers reading it. Please note: the views expressed in this blog are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect those of VSO.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Lego Tower Construction
I give the start planning instruction after pointing out four areas of the office to use for planning, immediately two teams head outside! Not part of the plan.
I just go with the flow and walk round all the teams checking they know what to do as nobody asked any questions so far. I also gave some time to go advice as nobody seemed to be checking the time. It is also fairly obvious that Lego bricks are a new experience for some and the novelty value is more interesting than the task.
At the end of the planning I got all the buckets back and checked the bricks to see they were all separated, sure enough some were still pieced together. I separated the bricks then gave the 5 minutes to build signal.