I was planning to do a short training exercise after the weekly staff meeting. This was planned for Monday about 12- 12.30, however I was told that the staff meeting would be on Wednesday. On Tuesday when I was talking about the training I am told the staff meeting is now Thursday. Anyway on Thursday I turn up at work with a big bag and my 4 buckets of Lego bricks. After the meeting I get the staff sorting themselves into 4 teams every time we get the teams sorted more people want to join in.
Finally four teams are sorted and I give them 3 minutes to choose a leader, I also ensure there is an English speaker in each team.
When the leaders are chosen I give them the leader instructions and point out the timings I have written on a board, 15 minutes to plan, 5 minutes to build. This is the basic tower version, just build the highest tower you can in the time allowed, tallest wins.