
A busy and confusing day. It started with a power cut before I got up, the fan stops and you try and think what to have for breakfast, toast is out. Then on the way to work I noticed the bike handling changing, that’s a puncture, this time the back wheel. So off to the repair shop, only takes half an hour here though but 430 rupees gone before 9am, about £2.
As far as I was aware, somebody from the British High Commission was due to visit at 9.30 for half an hour. Back at the office this has changed. Firstly I’m told 25 traders, all men, are coming in for training and can I do some activities/games with them. Also security reports are required and Vithy is sending me texts saying he is emailing me a draft presentation for tomorrow, can I edit it and add a bit about the weekends security problems. Meanwhile helping Jazeem with another urgent report.
By 9.15 the High Commission has become the British Ambassador and 9.30 has become 11am.
As they say in Sri Lanka, Wot to do?
I grab the truck and head off to my house to collect my games, I bring lots as I am not sure how much time I have to cover. I am planning on a hoop game and the planks as they work with all male groups. I get back to find its now 16 men and 9 women!
Back to the drawing board. I choose the egg drop game and lego towers as best for mixed groups and set about getting eggs, finding newspaper etc. The 11am arrival becomes a meeting at the GA’s office, Government Agent in Ampara. I am now sorting games and editing reports on the computer. I decide not to go to the GA’s office as now they will evidently now come to our office at 1.30!
The traders break for tea and I’m told the first game will happen now, I am told that a lot for the next 15-20 minutes. However I don’t waste time and continue editing and ensuring the troops know what the plan is. The equipment such as it is is laid out on the table, 1 egg, 5 double sheets of broadsheet newspaper, 1 roll sellotape, pair of scissors and about 50 elastic bands.
The plan is to split the group into 6 teams, each team then has 2 minutes to choose a leader. I then brief the leaders and give them a set time to do the task. Then the clock starts. The task in this case is to use only the materials provided to make something that will stop the egg breaking when dropped from about 2m, the time allowed is 20 minutes, and this includes planning time. I will stress that you only get 1 egg, take care of it.
Eventually I am summoned and the splitting into teams and leader bit is explained, in English by me then in Sinhala and Tamil. This is a game in itself but eventually we get there and I am briefing the six leaders, they are getting it translated again in Sinhala and Tamil. Then off we go. Within 2 minutes one team has broken their egg. My stance of you only get 1 egg causes shocked faces, I relent. As I do later as another gets broken at 15 minutes.
All credit to the teams they are all finished in the 20 minutes.
As far as I was aware, somebody from the British High Commission was due to visit at 9.30 for half an hour. Back at the office this has changed. Firstly I’m told 25 traders, all men, are coming in for training and can I do some activities/games with them. Also security reports are required and Vithy is sending me texts saying he is emailing me a draft presentation for tomorrow, can I edit it and add a bit about the weekends security problems. Meanwhile helping Jazeem with another urgent report.
By 9.15 the High Commission has become the British Ambassador and 9.30 has become 11am.
As they say in Sri Lanka, Wot to do?
I grab the truck and head off to my house to collect my games, I bring lots as I am not sure how much time I have to cover. I am planning on a hoop game and the planks as they work with all male groups. I get back to find its now 16 men and 9 women!
Back to the drawing board. I choose the egg drop game and lego towers as best for mixed groups and set about getting eggs, finding newspaper etc. The 11am arrival becomes a meeting at the GA’s office, Government Agent in Ampara. I am now sorting games and editing reports on the computer. I decide not to go to the GA’s office as now they will evidently now come to our office at 1.30!
The traders break for tea and I’m told the first game will happen now, I am told that a lot for the next 15-20 minutes. However I don’t waste time and continue editing and ensuring the troops know what the plan is. The equipment such as it is is laid out on the table, 1 egg, 5 double sheets of broadsheet newspaper, 1 roll sellotape, pair of scissors and about 50 elastic bands.
The plan is to split the group into 6 teams, each team then has 2 minutes to choose a leader. I then brief the leaders and give them a set time to do the task. Then the clock starts. The task in this case is to use only the materials provided to make something that will stop the egg breaking when dropped from about 2m, the time allowed is 20 minutes, and this includes planning time. I will stress that you only get 1 egg, take care of it.
Eventually I am summoned and the splitting into teams and leader bit is explained, in English by me then in Sinhala and Tamil. This is a game in itself but eventually we get there and I am briefing the six leaders, they are getting it translated again in Sinhala and Tamil. Then off we go. Within 2 minutes one team has broken their egg. My stance of you only get 1 egg causes shocked faces, I relent. As I do later as another gets broken at 15 minutes.
All credit to the teams they are all finished in the 20 minutes.