From the 14th to 17th of September the Perahera visited Ampara. Not that well publicised as didn’t know till Wednesday and wondered what all the flags were for. Thursday night was not that crowded so got a good position and was trying out new camera. Then the Sri Lankan security forces, who were out in force, decided to stand in front of us. Not normally a problem as they are usually short, but these were five tall guys! Too late to cross the road where there was no security. Anyway took a few photos but they didn’t come out too well. It was dark and the parade was moving so exposures were long and blurring occurred. Next night we went across the road, I got on nodding and smiling terms with a security guard and managed to squat at the front with the kids, could use flash there. Unfortunately I stood directly opposite PC HOUSE with its big neon sign, it’s on all the shots!