Pinky, as you can see it is very pink! I have now put up a few posters and made it a bit less like a Barbie house. I hope to get some more furniture as other INGO's move away. As a VSO you need to beg, borrow and permanently acquire.
I managed to prize my way into the locked wardrobe I received and have now put in a working lock, only took me 3 weeks!
For vols, VSO accommodation is usually good, for those who don't like bugs, ants or geckos you may find it difficult to exclude them. The furniture is usually second hand but ok. I managed to get a large square mozzie net, much better than the single one you are given. I also quite openly said to the more prosperous organisations that I would like first refusal on anything they were throwing out. I had no washing machine but managed to take my washing to other organisations houses and borrow theirs. Don't underestimate how great it is to wash and spin your clothes in a machine. Hand washing is no fun. Your clothes need washing every day, dust, dirt and sweat. VSO don't supply washing machines. VSO provide the house/flat but you have to pay for elec, gas, phone, internet, and food. You do get an allowance to equip the kitchen and get bedding but try and make friends with somebody leaving and grab their stuff.