I got a phone call on the 23rd of Jan, it was mid day in Sri Lanka so 6.30 am in the UK. It was Nicole, Adam had been involved in an accident. He had been hit by a car whilst crossing the road as a pedestrian. At the time of the call Adam was seriously injured and things did not sound good. He was on a ventilator and waiting to have a brain scan.
To cut a long story short, VSO got me a flight home early the next day and FCE helped me get a ride to Colombo that afternoon. I managed to get back to the UK and at Adams bedside in 32 hours.
Adam was out of immediate danger by the time I arrived, he has serious injuries to both legs below the knee. His left ankle is crushed and he has breaks in both legs above the ankle. The rest of his injuries although looking bad and painful are not major. Fortunately he had no brain damage or major internal injuries.
At the moment I am back home looking after him, he is in a bed in the lounge and has a wheelchair to get around.
I will be in the UK till he can look after himself.